January 21, 2010
Press Release
Contact Information
Linda G.
E-Mail: zarmedia@gmail.com, admin@azarlawrence.com
For Immediate Release - Zarman Productions / Press Release / New York, NY - Los Angeles, Ca. January 21, 2010 / Azar Lawrence / Mystic Journey / Azar Lawrence Sextet
On the heels of his last release Prayer For My Ancestors, Azar Lawrence's new CD Mystic Journey on Furthermore Recordings is another solid production by the saxist and will be amongst 2010's great contributions to Jazz. On the recording Azar was joined by Eddie Henderson, Gerald Hayes, Benito Gonzalez, Essiet Okon Essiet, and the late great drummer Rashied Ali. Mystic Journey is scheduled to be released Spring 2010.
For Azar Lawrence playing music is a continuum of his goal to reach a higher plane on a level that traces prodigiousness ground graced by the footprints of Parker, Gillespie, Miles, Coltrane, et.al. Music has a connatural ability causing a togetherness that trapezes artificial barriers.and back in the spotlight Azar's music is reaching people throughout the country and internationally whether live or through broadcast media.
Michael Nastos, AllMusicGuide, December 2009, said in his review of Prayer For My Ancestors, "Lawrence is able to fly into the sun without ever scorching his wings. He never discards the solid musical values in his sinewy hands since halcyon days as a sideman with McCoy Tyner, or his challenging, against the grain of trendy funk/fusion-era early-'70s recordings for Prestige Records. The difference between Lawrence and all the Coltrane wannabes is that he lived and breathed the music of the turbulent '60s, playing it with 'Trane's contemporaries and peers."
For those who have had a sneak preview of Mystic Journey, all agree the fiery saxophonist only gets better. Back on call he can and should be heard live whether with his quartet, quintet or sextet.
Azar Lawrence performs:
Azar Lawrence Quartet featuring Benito Gonzalez, piano, Ronnie Burrage; drums, Essiet Essiet, bass and Azar, tenor and soprano saxes - Monday, February 8, 2010 - Blues Alley, 1069 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Washington, DC 202.337.4141 Show Times: 8p & 10p, $20 www.azarlawrence.com www.bluesalley.com.
Azar Lawrence presents Prayer For My Ancestors, featuring Amadou Fall and Ibrahim Ba - Friday, February 12, 2010 - WorldBeat Cultural Center in Balboa Park 2100 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 619.230.1190, Time: 8p Tickets: $15 www.azarlawrence.com www.worldbeatcenter.org
Azar Lawrence Quartet featuring Benito Gonzalez - Saturday, March 6, 2010 at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W. 8th St., San Pedro, Ca Time: 8p & 10p, Suggested Donation $20, Ph. 310.519.1314 www.azarlawrence.com www.benitogonzalez.com www.alvasshowroom.com
Azar Lawrence Quartet featuring Benito Gonzalez - Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at Yoshi's Oakland, 510 Embarcadero W. Oakland, CA Time: 8p, Tickets $16.00, Ph. 510.238.9200, www.azarlawrence.com www.benitogonzalez.com www.yoshis.com
Azar Lawrence Quartet featuring Benito Gonzalez-Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at Jimmy Maks, 221 NW 10th Ave. Portland, OR
Show times: 8p & 10p Tickets $20 503.295.6542 www.azarlawrence.com www.benitogonzalez.com www.jimmymaks.com
Azar Lawrence Quartet featuring Benito Gonzalez - Fri. & Sat. March 12 & 13, 2010 at DalyJazz, Missoula Montana Show Times: 8p & 10p, Musician donation $20, Tickets by reservation only - dalyjazz@gmail.com, http://www.myspace.com/dalyjazz, www.azarlawerence.com
Azar Lawrence as part of the Brian Jackson, Lenny White project - Saturday, May 1, "It's Max Roach Time" - Kumble Theatre, Long Island University, Long Island, NY
Azar Lawrence Sextet presents Mystic Journey-Friday, May 7, 2010 - Tribute to Lost Treasures, "Ali's Alley" Tribeca Performance Arts Center, New York, NY
Azar Lawrence Quartet - Friday & Saturday, August 12 &13, Smalls Jazz Club, New York, NY
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